Dear Sir/Madam !
My name is Boris Kruglov and I’m an independent lawyer in Kazakhstan.
After graduating from Adilet Higher Law School in 2001 (graduated with honours), I’ve been working as a legal adviser in different industries (including banking and oil & gas industry) for almost 20 years. As a legal adviser I participated in the development of oil & gas projects as follows:

Besides day-to-day company’s activities support, I’ve been involved into pretty much all productive and administrative issues related to projects development including the following:
- Oil and gas licenses acquisition and disposal;
- License prolongation and license terms amendment;
- Negotiations with contractors, clients and suppliers;
- Mediation;
- Litigation;
- Appeal actions of state authorities.
I can offer this vast experience for resolving of problems and issues you have in different areas.
I’m a full member of “Professional Legal Consultants Chamber” Legal Consultants Chamber and is included to the Chamber’s register under the number 88 as a legal consultant with a right to render legal services in order to protect rights, freedoms and rightful interests of individuals and legal entities in Kazakhstan.